Join Our Team of Volunteers

Our dedicated team of volunteers helps ensure the efficiency and quality of the many programs and services offered at the Alliance Française de Denver.

Volunteers at the AFD assist with administrative, library, or event planning projects depending on their interests and schedule.

 Missions are varied. Our volunteers may be asked to carry out such tasks as re-shelving library books, setting up and breaking down events, serving food and beverages during special events, updating our databases, assisting with development documents, helping with fundraising events, and much more…

Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age as well as fluent in English or French. We hope that through volunteering at the Alliance Française de Denver, you will find personal enrichment through connecting with fellow Francophiles, and experience cultural immersion and continual learning. Thanks to our dedicated group of volunteers, we are proud to be able to provide our many programs and events.

Are you ready to join us?

If you have a passion for France, French, or Francophone culture and are excited to becoming an active member of the Alliance Française de Denver community, we and our team of volunteers, welcome you!

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Events plannedAF Denver has a variety of events planned for 2024. We need volunteers like you to make that happen! We need people to help set-up and break-down events, check-in participants, spark conversations in French...there is a place for anyone who wants to help!
Do you have other skills or ways you would like to volunteer with us? Let us know here.
Volunteer AgreementsI hereby accept the duties and responsibilities associated with volunteering for the Alliance Française de Denver.

I accept and understand that I will be held accountable for my actions and responsibilities during my time as a volunteer and that there will be no monetary compensation or other types of special benefits from the Alliance Française de Denver.

I release the Alliance Française de Denver and its staff from any and all loss or damage and any and all claims of damage and those resulting in injury to person or property. This includes any injury coming from performance of my responsibilities as a volunteer.

I attest that I have full understanding and knowledge of the risks involved in being a volunteer and performing my responsibilities for the Alliance Française de Denver. I agree to hold harmless and defend the Alliance Française de Denver and its staff from any damage, liability, loss, or cost they may acquire as a result of my performance or lack of performance of my volunteer duties whether they be made by intention, negligence, negligence, or other reasons.

This Volunteer Waiver Agreement serves as a broad and inclusive agreement permitted by the laws of the state of Colorado. If any part is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance will continue in full legal force and effect.
Volunteers may need to undergo a background check, depending on how they are involved with the Alliance.

Join us for news
& updates.

Signing up to our newsletter will keep you updated with the latest news, special offers, discounts and upcoming French language courses, workshops and cultural events.

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