AF Denver's foundation classes all make use of a textbook. What textbook you use is specified in the course description, so please read carefully!
NOTE: As of 1/14/2025, Klett is having an issue with out of stock textbooks for Defi 1 and Defi 3. Until that is resolved, our students can purchase the "student bundle": This includes a hard copy of the textbook when available, and fast access to an etextbook and workbook through the Espace Virtuel website. They will also provide a discount code to match the standard textbook price.
Défi 1
from distributer
Through the distributer, you have the option of purchasing:
a) a physical textbook and workbook (separately or as a pack)
b)The Student Bundle: a physical texbook with digital access to the workbook via the Espace virtuel platform
c) 12-month Espace Virtuel: Digital access only to the texbook and workbook
*For A1 Classes, you may also purchase the Espace Virtuel English Edition. This is a just like the 12-month espace virtuel access, but
the instructions for activities are in English. AF Denver recommends getting the French Edition for better learning, but for students
anxious about instructions in French, we leave it open as an option.
Défi 2
*Through the distributer, you have the option of purchasing
Purchase from distributer
Through the distributer, you have the option of purchasing:
a) a physical textbook and workbook (separately or as a pack)
b)The Student Bundle: a physical texbook with digital access to the workbook via the Espace virtuel platform
c) 12-month Espace Virtuel: Digital access only to the texbook and workbook
Défi 3
from distributer
Through the distributer, you have the option of purchasing:
a) a physical textbook and workbook (separately or as a pack)
b)The Student Bundle: a physical texbook with digital access to the workbook via the Espace virtuel platform
c) 12-month Espace Virtuel: Digital access only to the texbook and workbook
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